Pay with ease using variant online payment options. Your comfort, our responsibility.

  • Account Number : 22440210005361
  • Bank : UCO Bank
  • IFSC : UCBA 0002244
  • Swift Code : UCBAINBB012
  • Mobile No. : 9414137405


JCR CAB agency is a Registered Agency for Cab services and Rental Services, which shows the trust of the Government our JCR CAB AGENCY. So your journey is safe and comfortable with JCR CAB AGENCY

Why Choose JCR With Car Hiring

Serviced Vehicles

Our vehicles are always clean and maintained to ensure optimum performance. We add new vehicles to our fleet every year.

Unlimited Kilometers

Drive as many kilometers as you wish as there are no boundaries for the travel distance.

No Hidden Cost

Zero hidden charges from your rent include all the charges like insurance and maintenance costs.

Insured Cars

You don’t need to worry about any mishap or road damage. Our vehicles are insured, and we take only a minimum damage charge from you in case of an accident.

Instant Booking

Are you in a hurry and looking for a vehicle? We offer quick bookings with less documentation to assure excellent customer satisfaction.

Excellent Service

From deciding a car to finalizing the return, we assist you through your journey.

© 2025 JCR CAR SERVICES All Rights Reserved. Unit of NCD Car Hire.

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